Coming in the Opposite Spirit
Jan 11th
"Today was an incredible shift within the unity of our team.
I KNOW people have been praying for us because the shift couldn't have happened without some serious intervention from God.
So thank you so so much for everyone who prayed for us… we are deeply thankful."
"Ali has been wanting to orchestrate washing each others feet since the first week that we arrived in French Polynesia but every time that she planned on doing it, something else came up. Our prayer and worship times together have been seriously attacked as well. This morning Ali made it the priority to just soak and worship together.
Afterwards she read from the passage in John 13 about when Jesus humbled himself in an act of love as well as an example to His disciples, and washed all of their feet. Then Ali explained how in order to combat the Spirit of judgment and pride we need to come in the opposite Spirit: humility & love. She proceeded then to wash all of our feet. I know everyone was really touched and overcome with emotion by this time. Some of the people in our team continued to serve each other by rubbing an oil perfume on our feet after Ali's example. The entire worship and feet washing time I was so moved. I was so humbled and overwhelmed by God's love and Jesus's example of love that I couldn't hold back tears. God's love was so evident this morning.
In John 13:34-35, when Jesus finished washing His disciples feet He said:
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
This is what we are called to do as a team: love each other, and love those around us. Because that is the biggest testament of God's love.
That morning Kelly received the scripture: Psalm 133
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
life forevermore."
There has been a serious shift in the unity of our team.
God has been orchestrating the changes in the dynamic of the team as well. It is such a good dynamic shift to have Anna on our team now too. We are so thankful to have her with us. She is a refreshing encouragement for our team.
Jan 13th
"This morning, we went to the port to speak to the captain of the boat one more time to see if we would be able to leave for the islands. We arrived around 8am and had to ask around for the captain who was on the boat. I explained that he'd told us to come back and speak to him about our travel plans and he asked us to write down our names and ages, then said we could come to get the boat tomorrow. We didn't pay anything, which makes it feel less certain, but it seems to be the way they do things.
He said that for the boat to the other islands we'd have to turn up at the port each time, but I did show him where we planned to go and when, plus he can see our persistence to go! I also explained that people are expecting us there, as we have hosts who will welcome us. I believe that he will stay true to his word about us getting the boat, but I am also aware that the government has been checking on how many passengers are taken. So, pray that throughout the next month there will be NO checks on them! I believe that God would not open the door for us to leave without giving us a way back in a month so we can return to France!! :)
I'm excited to be leaving and going back to the islands, although I will be sad to leave Tahiti - this place is so rich in wonderful people, so it's sad to say goodbye to those here, but exciting to be visiting new people on other islands!"
"Before we knew if we would be getting the boat to the Island's or not we prayed together as a team about the direction we should take. Regarding leaving to the Islands {Huahine, Bora Bora, Raiatea} God gave Farrah this scripture:
2 thessalonians 3:7
"For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you."
She felt like it was a warning about not taking advantage of the people we are supposed to come and bless.
So please continue to pray that we would be more a blessing than a burden to the people we've come to bless."
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