Monday, 23 December 2013

"For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these…"

December 17th

     "Today our group went to a local Tahitian  foster children's home. We spent the morning playing games like: Jacques à dit, shark and minnows, duck duck goose. We also had nail painting, Jesus bracelet making, and drawing. The kids loved having us play with them and I know we all enjoyed them!
     I loved playing with them! They were so incredibly sweet, kind, and hospitable even at their young age. When we ate lunch they all made sure I had enough to drink… so I ended up with 3 cups! They all spoke French as their first language, so for me having English as my first language it was hard to communicate. I think I used more French today then I had in a very long time. Even in spite of the language barrier, we had so much fun! They had a big smile on their face the moment we entered, which of course made me smile the entire time!
While we there, God gave me the verse Matthew 18: 2-4 and Matthew 19:14:
     "I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humble himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." and " Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 
     God tells us to have childlike faith and I think I got a glimpse of what He meant. The children were so sincere, humble, and accepting. They didn't worry about the petty details of things, they loved even when we made mistakes, and they welcomed and cared for us even if we didn't communicate well. I love how God asks us to have Faith like a child; in doing so there is more joy, trust, and a more intimate relationship with the Father."


Aujourd'hui nous sommes allés dans une maison d'accueil pour les enfants. Nous avons fait des jeux comme : Jacques à dit, requins et poissons, le facteur n'est pas passé. Nous avons fait le vernis à ongles, des bracelets d'évangélisation et des dessins. Les enfants ont aimé jouer avec nous et je sais que ça nous a plu beaucoup aussi !

J'ai eu tellement plaisir de jouer avec les enfants ! Ils étaient trop mignons, gentilles et accueillants, même s'ils étaient très jeunes. Quand on a mangé à midi, ils ont tous vérifié que j'ai eu assez à boire…donc j'ai terminé avec 3 verres d'eau ! Le français c'était leur première langue, donc pour moi avec l'anglais, c'était difficile de communiquer bien. Je crois que j'ai parlé plus de français aujourd'hui que je n'ai pas fait depuis longtemps ! Malgré la barrière de la langue, on s'est bien amusé ! Ils avaient des grands sourires quand nous sommes entrés, ce qui m'a fait sourire tout le temps aussi ! 

Lorsque on était là, Dieu m'a donné les versets Mathieu 18: 2-4 et Mathieu 19: 14:
"Je vous le dis, si vous ne faites pas demi-tour pour devenir comme les enfants, vous n'entrerez jamais dans le royaume des cieux. C'est pourquoi quiconque se rendra humble comme cet enfant sera le plus grand dans le royaume des cieux." et "Laissez faire les enfants, ne les empêchez pas de venir à moi ; car le royaume des cieux est pour ceux qui sont comme eux"
     Dieu nous dit d'avoir de la foi comme les enfants et je crois que j'ai eu un aperçu de ce qu'il veut dire par cela. Les enfants étaient tellement sincères et humbles. Ils n'ont pas eu de soucis des détails, ils ont aimé même quand on a fait des fautes et ils nous ont accueilli et nous soigné même si on ne pouvait pas bien communiquer. J'aime comment Dieu nous demande d'avoir de la foi comme les enfants; là-dedans est encore plus de joie, de confiance, et une relation plus intime avec le Père. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Our Favorite Memories on Moorea

Our Favorite Memories on Moorea

We had so many great experiences on Moorea, that it's hard to choose just one. The Polynesian culture is so incredibly welcoming! Anytime we went to any meeting or dinner we were so honored. One thing that I absolutely love about the culture is their music. With their music the polynesian's welcome guests {immediately off the plane}, tell stories and worship. One of the first nights that I really heard Tahitian worship was during one of the first worship prayer nights on Moorea. We often didn't know where we would be going or how we'd get there but they'd always arrange for someone to pick us up on the way to whatever meeting it was. When we got to this meeting they began singing Tahitian worship and it was one of the most incredible things that I've ever heard! 
I think that Tahitian worship represents a special piece of God's heart. Everyone is dancing and clapping and singing with such strong harmonies, that you just can't help smiling with the joy that fills the room. There are many songs in which the men shout out and the women sing back a response or visa versa. It was so incredible to see the mens faces light up when the women sang their part. Not only does it sound incredible but actually portrays a special truth about women's and men's roles and how God has created us. There is something about men being men that make women come alive, and something about women being women that makes men come alive. That truth was so beautifully displayed in their worship and it made me rejoice to experience it. {smile}

It is difficult for me to think of just one memory, but one of our first nights there, we went to a worship service sponsored by a local church. Worship music with guitars, ukuleles, drums and lots of Tahitian flavor filled the room . It was fun to try and read the lips of the singers to follow along with the songs. The women were in colorful tropical patterned dresses, and it was interesting to see the men in shirts, ties and slacks and bare feet. I was excited to think, "Wow! I get to experience this over and over for the next three months!"

First... I love the warm, hospitable, and selfless character of the Polynesians! The beauty in their character reflects the beauty of the island. Moorea was truly SO beautiful! I took so many pictures of the tropical sunsets and the fresh exotic fruit! One of my favorite memories was fishing… more specifically with a mosquito net. haha. Steph and I were looking for places to swim when we  saw a woman fishing. We watched how she would swim out in the ocean with a net and how she would come back to the coast with a net full of fish. Steph and I saw the challenge and decided to try to catch some fish like she did… the only thing we were missing was the net…so we decided to use the mosquito net. We discovered that the fish might have been a little too intimidated by our awesome net. So even if we didn't catch any fish, It made for a fun memory!

My favorite memory on Moorea was when some of us girls went swimming in the ocean on a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the water was turquoise, and when snorkeling we could see tropical fish of bright yellow and blue. It was so refreshing and such a lovely time with wonderful people.

My favorite experience was when we were invited to Tom and Vava's place for a cell group meeting. We had a time of teaching, a time of ministry and a time of prayer for each other. God's presence was very tangible and intense. It was truly refreshing!

I had really good memories from Moorea when I came 3 years ago, so I was looking forward to making new memories with a different group of people! One of my favorite parts of our time there though was seeing two of the women we met there last time. I was praying that God would make it possible and when we arrived at a meeting on our first day, there they were! I was glad to be able to introduce others to them too, as they both have such beautiful hearts. I also really enjoyed meeting new people and making new connections.

My favorite moment was when Mathieu and I went out in the outrigger in the lagoon. It was definitely a homemade outrigger, with a piece of wood attached to the side to help it float. We departed for our adventure to the Motu (small island) on the other side of the lagoon. After several strokes with the oars, when we were near the middle of the lagoon when we realized that the piece of wood had holes in it and was filling with water. The girls swimming nearby came to help us bring back the outrigger. It was incredibly difficult to return since the wood was heavy with water. Our adventure didn't last long, but we had a good laugh about our short journey. 

Les Meilleur Souvenirs de Moorea 

Casia :
On a passé tellement de bonnes expériences à Moorea, qu'il est difficile d'en choisir une seule. La culture polynésienne est très accueillante ! Chaque fois où nous sommes allés dans une réunion ou à un repas on a été tellement honorés. Quelque chose que j'aime absolument de cette culture c'est leur musique. Les Polynésiens accueillent les invités {dès qu'ils arrivent en avion}, racontent les histoires et louent Dieu. Une des premières soirées que j'ai vraiment entendu la louange tahitienne c'était pendant la première soirée de louange à Moorea. Souvent on ne savait pas où nous allons ou comment y arriver, mais ils ont toujours organisé quelqu'un pour venir nous chercher sur leur chemin. Lorsque nous sommes arrivés pour cette soirée-là, ils ont commencé a chanter la louange tahitienne et c'était une des plus belles choses que je n'ai jamais entendue !
Je crois que la louange tahitienne représente une partie spéciale du coeur de Dieu. Tout le monde danse et tape les mains et chante avec des harmonies tellement forts, que l'on ne peut que sourire par la joie qui remplie la pièce. Il y a plusieurs chansons où les hommes crient et les femmes chantent en réponse ou l'inverse. C'était incroyable de voir les visages des hommes briller lorsque les femmes ont chanté leur partie. Non seulement que la musique est incroyable, mais aussi elle montre une vérité spéciale sur les rôles des hommes et des femmes et comment Dieu nous a créés. Il y a quelque chose qui se passe quand les hommes soient les hommes et que ça fait rayonner les femmes, et la même chose pour les hommes quand les femmes soient les femmes. La vérité a été démontré d'une façon très belle dans leur louange et ça m'a fait réjouir de pouvoir l'expérimenter.{sourire}

Beth :
C'est difficile pour moi de penser à un seul souvenir, mais un des premiers soir à Moorea, nous sommes allé dans une réunion de louange organisée par une église locale. La musique de louange avec les guitares, les ukuleles, la batterie et l'influence forte tahitienne a rempli toute la pièce. C'était amusant d'essayer de lire les lèvres des chanteur afin de chanter avec les chansons. Les femmes s'habillaient dans les robes tropicales de plusieurs couleurs et c'était intéressant de voir les hommes en chemise, cravate, pantalons mais pieds nus. J'ai pris plaisir de penser "Wow! J'ai l'opportunité d'expérimenter ça continuellement pendant les prochains trois mois !"

Kelly :
Tout d'abord…j'adore le caractère chaleureux, hospitalier et non-égoïste des Polynésiens ! La beauté dans leur caractère reflète la beauté de l'île. Moorea est vraiment TRÈS beau ! J'ai pris beaucoup de photos des couchers de soleil tropical et des fruits frais exotiques ! Un souvenir préféré pour moi c'était aller à la pèche…plus spécialement avec la moustiquaire ! Avec Steph nous cherchions un bon endroit pour nous baigner lorsque nous avons vu une femme á la pèche. Nous avons regarder pendant qu'elle nageait dans l'océan avec un filet et retournait à la plage avec le filet bien rempli. Steph et moi avons vu le défi et nous avons décidé d'essayer d'attraper les poisson comme elle a fait…le seul problème c'était qu'on n'avait pas de filet…donc on a décidé d'utiliser la moustiquaire ! Nous avons découvert que notre merveilleux filet devait être un peu trop impressionnant pour les poisson, donc même si nous n'avons pas attrapé de poissons, on a le bon souvenir de l'essai qu'on a fait !

Steph :
Mon meilleur souvenir de Moorea c'était pendant une belle journée où je me suis baignée dans la mer avec quelques filles de l'équipe. Le soleil brillait, l'eau était turquoise et avec les lunettes de plongée nous avons pu regarder les jolis poissons tropicaux en jaune et bleu vif. C'etait rafraîchissant et un bon moment avec des gens merveilleux.

Mathieu : 
Mon moment préféré c`est lorsque nous avons été invités à une cellule chez Tom et Vava. Un petit enseignement puis un temps de ministère et nous avons prié les uns pour les autres. La présence de Dieu était tellement intense et tangible. C`est rafraîchissant!

Ali :
J'ai eu beaucoup de bons souvenirs de Moorea il y a 3 ans, donc j'avais hâte de faire de nouveaux souvenirs avec tout un autre groupe de personnes ! Un moment préféré pour moi, c'était de revoir deux femmes que nous avons rencontrés la dernière fois. J'ai prié que Dieu le fasse possible et lorsqu'on est arrivés à la première réunion le premier jour, elles étaient là ! J'étais contente de pouvoir les présenter aux autres aussi, car elles ont toutes les deux de si beaux coeurs. Il m'a plu aussi de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes pendant le séjour.

Farrah :
Mon moment favoris est quand avec Mathieu nous avons été faire de la pirogue dans le lagon. Bien sur c'était une pirogue fait maison et il y avait un morceau de bois accroché qui permettait de faire flotter tout ça. nous sommes donc partis à l'aventure pour aller de l'autre coté du lagon sur un Motu [ une petite ile ]. Après quelques  coup de rames nous nous sommes rendu compte que le morceau de bois était troué et qu'il se remplissait d'eau au milieu du lagon nous nous sommes retournés et les filles qui se baignaient sont venus nous aider a ramener la pirogue. Il était impossible de la retourner car les bois remplis pesaient lourd alors on a tracté la pirogue jusque'a la plage et toute notre aventure c'est terminé assez rapidement cependant nous avons bien ris.


Our first night at the second bungalow on Moorea, we had the opportunity to pray for a friend of the Bungalow's owner. She was not a Christian, but was in dire straits. Her mother had just passed away, she did not have the funding to get her mother to the island of her birth for burial, her son was in prison, and her husband was consumed with alcoholism. One could read on her face how lost she felt, and anyone who has been in such dreadful circumstances can imagine what was going through her mind. So we began to pray. We prayed that the government would fund the transport of her mother's body. We prayed that the prison would be understanding and let her son out of jail to mourn with the family and that her son's life would be changed. We prayed that her husband would miraculously have a desire to change his ways and turn away from a bottle to comfort him. We prayed she would have peace in spite of circumstances. A few hours later, we found out every prayer was answered. At this point she has so much more confidence in God, that she has given her life to Christ, and feels more peaceful. Please continue to pray for Loanna and her family. I know there is still a lot of division in the family, but the resolution of this difficult situation is a start to reconciliation. God has begun a good work in her life.

Durant notre première nuit dans le second bungalow a Moorea, nous avons eu l'opportunité de prier pour une amie des propriétaires du bungalow. Elle n'était pas chrétienne, mais elle passait un moment difficile. Sa mère venait de décéder, et elle n'avait pas les fonds pour envoyer le corps de sa mère dans l'ile où elle était née. Son fils quant a lui était en prison et son mari prisonnier de l'alcoolisme. On pouvait lire sur son visage a quel point ces pertes l'avait affectée, et personne ne peut imaginer ce qu'il se passait dans ces pensées dans ces terribles circonstances. Alors nous avons commencé a prier. Nous avons prié pour que la sécurité social débloque les fonds pour le transport du corps, pour que les autorités de la prison fassent preuve de compréhension et laisse son fils sortir pour l'accompagner et que la vie de son fils soit transformé. Nous avons prié pour que son mari est miraculeusement le désir de changer de voie et de se détourner du réconfort qu'il trouvait dans la bouteille. Nous avons prié sur elle une paix de Dieu qui ne dépend pas des circonstances. Quelques heures plus tard , nous avons pu voir que chaque prière avait était exaucés. A ce moment la Loana  a eu plus de confiance en Dieu, et elle a donné sa vie á Jésus, et elle se sent plus paisible. S'il vous plait continuez de prier pour Loana et sa famille. Je sais qu'il reste des divisions dans sa famille, mais la solution a cette situation difficile à commencer par la réconciliation. Et c'est ce que Dieu a démarrer dans sa vie. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

The Kings Heart for the Center of the Ocean

When I woke up this morning I asked God what he wanted me to pray for and I felt him say: "The center of the ocean."
I thought it was bizarre and I was unsure if I had heard right but I jumped into praying anyways. When I was thinking about the words "Center of the Ocean" the huge trash pile the size of texas and ridiculously deep in the Pacific ocean came to mind. It is called the Pacific Garbage Patch and is in one of the Gyres, an area where several different ocean currents come together. I remembered hearing of it somewhere a while ago but I didn't remember where, all I knew is that there was a horrific pile of plastic that had built up in our ocean that was affecting our environment as a direct result of our neglect and lack of care.
While I was praying I also remembered the scripture where God calmed the storm. "Even the waves and wind listen to him…" After praying I opened my bible and it opened up to Matthew 8:23-27:
     "And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him."
      It was such an awesome confirmation that I had heard clearly about what God wanted us to partner with him in prayer for, so I shared it with the group which caused Kelly to share her dream:

     "Last night I had a dream that I was on top of a ship in the ocean and I wanted to go out and swim. Farrah stopped me and said I could only swim in the little pond on the deck of the ship. She said it was a warmer and better place to swim. The next dream I had was me swimming in the ocean with a few friends. We were having fun swimming, then one person decided to go underwater. He came up disgusted and said he saw a pile of hair and dirt at the bottom of the ocean. It was really gross and had mice running out of it. We all wanted to look under the water at this point. Now we saw a huge cargo box filled with items. We looked again and saw a line of these boxes next to each other, all filled with different items. We were angry that this was hidden from us."

Beth had also done some research about the issues for the environment that result from plastic throughout the last couple years:

"Man was so excited when he created plastics in the mid 20th century. There were so many things he could do with it, and it has served to help our world in so many ways. However, as all matter on the earth, it breaks down. Since it was a substance that was completely man made, it does not break down as other natural substances on the earth. A lot if it ends up being washed into the ocean, either directly, by pieces of trash that are thrown into or washed into the ocean, or indirectly, by pieces that break down and are washed into the ocean like sand and minerals are washed into the ocean from larger rocks. Because animals don't know what it is, they think it's food, and die from consuming it, both on land and in the ocean. The bits that are in the ocean usually end up in garbage patches. They keep breaking down, and when it is broken down in the smallest pieces, it ends up suspended in the water, like of watery soup of plastic. 

Plastic is so useful, as we all know. Some can be recycled, but only once or twice. Most can not be recycled. It is said that if it can blow in the wind, it can not truly be recycled. It is a very inexpensive substance, and useful both in first and third world countries. In first world countries, we usually know that it should be recycled, but aren't always conscious about it. It is a very useful and inexpensive substance to bring supplies to third world countries, but these countries often don't have the resources or the know-how to recycle it. Much of this plastic ends up in the pacific garbage patch. 

The next day when we were helping with some clean-up projects, we saw a direct result of this problem. The people directing the clean-up project, out of ignorance, were burning the plastic right next to a waterway that goes into the ocean. It was not our place to correct the good work these people were trying to do, but it did raise our awareness of the depth of this problem." 

  God gave Kelly and I different pieces of the picture that seemed pretty random and bizarre separately, but made sense together. It was so cool that God spoke so specifically. This Trash pile in the middle of the ocean is directly affecting the French polynesians, their land and their lifestyle. God cares so much that he showed us what to pray into and what to partner with him on. 

Here is a clip from our prayer:
     "We repent on behalf of the Christians who have said: "Well Jesus is coming back so we don't need to care about the environment." and that hurts you because it is your beautiful creation that you made and love, that reflects your glory. And you gave us the role to look after and care for your creation and we have neglected that role. And we repent because the people who love the environment have heard Christians taking on those attitudes and because of that they want nothing to do with God. We pray that Christians would begin to take on a leading role in caring for the environment and that we would take on the role that you gave to us through Adam in the garden to care for the earth. {You have given us dominion over the land and the animals…} We pray that we would begin to take responsibility for the trash that is harming the earth and come up with creative solutions to this massive problem."

{Steph has been doing an awesome job of managing our food. We got to eat an awesome stir fry dinner during our first night here.}
{From left to right Ali, Beth, Steph and Kelly resting on the boat ride from Tahiti to Moorea. At this point we had been traveling for about 35hrs. After we were welcomed in Tahiti with Lei's and an incredible meal of fish with a brief orientation about the culture, we continued the last leg of our journey and ended our looong trip in Moorea.} 

{Adventuring cuties}

{The view from our bungalow. God blessed us with several days of incredible rest.}

{Casia and Kelly got a quick coffee in our L.A. layover. We were so excited to get pumpkin Spice lattes. This years Christmas was in a 5 minute cup of coffee before we boarded the plane.}

{We got our first glimpse of the incredibly welcoming French Polynesian culture on our first plane ride leaving from Paris. They had a beautiful flower for each passenger on the plane.}

{So classy! ;}

{Mathieu and Farrah on the boat ride. We are accompanied by some French Rockstars}

                                                   {The view of Tahiti from the boat}

Constant Provision ~ Provision Constante

~James 1:2-4 ~ Jacques 1:2-4 ~
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

"Frères, regardez comme le sujet d'une parfaite joie les diverses tentations qui vous arrivent, Sachant que l'épreuve de votre foi produit la patience. Mais que la patience ait une efficacité parfaite, afin que vous soyez parfaits et accomplis, ne manquant en rien." 

~Matthew 6:25 ~ Matthieu 6:25~
“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing."

"C'est pourquoi je vous dis: Ne vous inquiétez pas pour votre vie de ce que vous mangerez, ni pour votre corps, de quoi vous serez vêtus. La vie n'est-elle pas plus que la nourriture, et le corps plus que le vêtement?."

These verses have been a constant encouragement for us in just the first week, as God keeps bringing us back to a place of trust, and shows up with provision every time. 

"Our original plan for accommodation on Moorea was to stay in a house that would be lent to us for the week and we'd pay a contribution towards its use. Unfortunately the water had to be reconnected & there were some problems with getting that sorted, so we wouldn't be able to stay there straight away. 
It was actually only as we were leaving to get the boat to Moorea that we confirmed a place where we could stay for the first two nights. It was more expensive for two nights there than what we would have pay towards the other house for the week, but at least we had somewhere to stay and we knew we could trust God to provide the means to pay, especially since the plans had changed!
So on the day we were supposed to move on from there, we were waiting to hear if we were able to go to the original house we'd planned to stay in or if another solution had been found. We spent time praying in the morning, asking God to provide a place for us. We were actually quite specific in our requests - asking for another place by the water, where it would be cheap (or even free!) and where we'd be able to connect with local people around us. 
We heard from our Tahiti contact, Edualdo, that they hadn't been able to find many other cheap options. There was just a place down the road from us, where we could probably negotiate a better price. Otherwise we could go back to Tahiti earlier than planned, to stay and work on a farm. 
We decided to put it in God's hands, since we weren't sure if he was showing us, through the closed doors, that we should move on. 
So we prayed about what to do and felt like we were supposed to try and connect with the people next to us before we left. We also prayed that the budget wouldn't be a problem, as we trust that God will continue to provide for us on this trip, even if our expenses are more than our original expectations. 
Some of us went to find the other place down the road to see if we could get a good price. We found out that the couple who rent out the bungalows there had only just returned from the hospital that afternoon, since the woman had just had a baby the day before. 
As soon as we mentioned that we were a group from YWAM the man, Marcelino, sounded very happy to receive us. He even asked us how much we'd like to pay to stay there - how much was our budget. We were surprised by this and weren't sure what to say...! I thought about how much we were paying for the current place, said a quick prayer in my head and basically halved the amount we were already paying per night. M seemed slightly surprised, as though we were offering a higher amount than he'd expected. He assured us that his land belonged to The Lord and he was happy to bless missionaries that came, as he knows they can't afford tourist prices (which can be very high!). 
We were blessed that the place was what we'd asked for - two much cheaper bungalows next to the water and close to people we could connect with, who turned out to be Christians! They also offered us the use of their car to get to the boat when we leave, as it would be cheaper than the bus. 
Afterwards, we invited our neighbors to join us for dinner, since we were moving away the next day. Unfortunately they didn't accept, but invited us to join them for lunch the next day! We were touched that they'd invited us and were glad to be able to connect with them. 
When we went over, they showed us how to cook some of the food their way and Farrah cooked some rice and eggplant to go with the fish that they'd caught. It was a fun exchange."

"Le projet original pour notre logement sur Moorea était de loger dans une maison qu'on nous a offert, où on allait payer une participation pour l'utilisation. Malheureusement, il fallait que l'eau soit branchée et il y avait des problèmes pour la reconnecter, donc on ne pouvait pas y aller tout de suite. 

Ce n'était que lorsqu'on partait pour prendre le bateau à Moorea qu'un logement a été confirmé pour les deux premières nuits. Ce logement coûtait plus cher pour ces 2 nuits que la semaine à l'autre maison, mais on avait au moins quelque part pour dormir et nous avons su que Dieu fournirait le moyen de payer, surtout avec les changements de plan!

Le jour où on été sensé quitter le logement, nous attendions les nouvelles pour savoir si c'était possible d'aller dans la maison prévue au début ou s'il y avait une autre solution. Nous avons prier le matin pour demander à Dieu de fournir un logement pour nous. On était précis dans ce que nous avons demandé - demandant encore un logement à côté de la mer, moins cher (même gratuit!) et où on pourrait entrer en contact avec les gens autours de nous. 

Nous avons entendu des nouvelles de notre contact à Tahiti, Edualdo, qu'ils n'ont pas pu trouver beaucoup de possibilité de logements pas chers. Il y avait seulement un pension sur la route pas loin, où on pouvait peut-être négocier un meilleur prix. Sinon, on pourrait retourner à Tahiti plus tôt pour loger et travailler sur la ferme. 

Nous avons décidé de tout mettre dans les mains de Dieu, car on n'était as surs s'il nous montrait, au travers de ces portes fermées, qu'on devrait retourner à Tahiti. 
Nous avons prié pour demander ce qu'on devrait faire et nous avons ressenti qu'on devrait bénir les voisins avant de partir. Nous avons aussi prier qu'il n'y ait aucun problème avec notre budget, car nous confions à Dieu de continuer à fournir pour nous pendant ce voyage, même si nos dépenses sont plus grandes que nos attentes. 
Nous sommes allés chercher l'autre pension pour négocier un meilleur prix de logement. Le couple qui loue les bungalow venait de retourner de l'hôpital le même âpres-midi, car la femme venait d'accouché le jour d'avant. 
Dès qu'on a expliqué qu'on fait partie de Jeunesse en Mission l'homme, Marcelino, semblait très conten

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Well hello there everybody. . .

Coucou everyone! Welcome to our French Polynesia Team blog! We are a part of the YWAM base in France called Bridges of Life. This blog is to keep you all updated on what we are doing during our trip, and how God is moving within our team on the different islands. We will be traveling to five different Islands during our trip: Moorea, Tahiti, Huahine, Bora Bora & RaiateaWe hope you are able to keep up with our where abouts and how God is moving within us. And if you want to join with/cover us in prayer, it would deeply bless us. Thank you so much! 
Romans 12:4-8
"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them:if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."